Céline Zwikel
I am Belgian/Canadian citizen. I am the current Jocelyn Bell Burnell fellow at the Perimeter Institute (Canada). I work primarily with the ``quantum gravity'' group and in the ``quantum fields and strings'' group. From 2018 to 2021 I was a postdoctoral researcher and Lise Meitner fellow in the ``Institute of Theoretical Physics'' at Technical University of Vienna (Austria). I obtained my PhD in the ``Theoretical and Mathematical Physics'' group at Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium) in June 2018.
Since 2021
Jocelyn Bell Burnell Fellow - Postdoctoral researcher at Perimeter Institute, Canada
Postdoctoral researcher at Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Ph.D. at ULB, Brussels, Belgium
Jocelyn Bell Burnell postdoctoral fellowship
Perimeter Institute - 2021-2025
Postdoctoral Fellowship: Lise Meitner Programme
“Near horizon physics for Kerr black holes”
M 2665 (159, 340.00 €) - 2019-2021
Young Investigator Training Program
GGI Firenze & Scuola Normale Pisa, Italy (3000 €) - 2017
Research Interest
My research focuses on symmetries in gauge theories, in particular for gravitational spacetimes with boundaries. In particular I consider leaky boundaries that allow flux to pass through. For instance this flux could be made of gravitons. This has a wide range of applications from (flat) holographic scenarios to the identification of the symmetry principle under which quantum gravity should be organized.